Main > BudgetTracker Information [Site Maintenance]
Category Search
When entering a transaction, you'll now see a category search box that will allow you to quickly find the sub-category to add to your transaction.
01/06/2017 12:35:12
Transactions Sub-Category Filter Update
For Split Transactions, when filtering on a sub-category and viewing the My Transactions page, your running total amount will now only show the amounts for the sub-category you are filtering on instead of the complete split transaction.
07/20/2016 01:10:39
CSV Import Updates
We've updated how you import your transactions via CSV. Instead of having to reselect the file each time for the next match, we now do this for you automatically. Simply click the Import Transactions button for each batch of transaction you wish to import. We've also add the ability to save the column you've selected from the last import so you don't need to reselect this as well. This should make it much quicker to import your transactions going forward.
06/17/2016 15:22:16
Check-In/Check-Out Tool
We've added a new tool to our business section that allows you to checkin and out products from your Product Inventory. This will keep track of the location, who checked it out, why they checked it out, and more. To access, click the business tab or go to
06/01/2016 19:56:44
Fiscal Date
You can now change the date range settings for your budget based on a fiscal date you set. To set it up, go to the Settings page and looking for Fiscal Date under the Business Settings section. This is applied to the My Budget and Budget Report pages.
05/20/2016 15:37:38
Updating your bank account amounts
When editing your account on the My Accounts page, instead of seeing a field to change the opening balance, we've replaced this with your current balance. This will automatically adjust your initial transaction to bring your account up to date. This is an alternative to balancing your account and should be more useful when updating your bank account information. This change was also applied to the mobile site for a quick way to balance your account.
05/19/2016 10:35:10
Categories Page added to Mobile
You'll now see a Categories link under the More section on our mobile version.
05/17/2016 15:35:28
Default Categories For Mobile
We've added default categories to the mobile app when creating or editing transactions. Once you select a default category, it will automatically get added to your categories list. You can then visit the My Categories page on the site to add that category to your budget.
05/17/2016 10:04:56
Mobile Account Permissions
We've added the ability to switch between your sub-accounts on the mobile version of our site. You'll find the Account Permissions link under the More navigation menu.
05/14/2016 15:35:03
Importing Transactions with Categories
We've updated the import payee rules to now allow you to set a category for a payee conversion. This will help in automatically assigning a category to an imported transaction.
05/12/2016 10:16:46

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