Main > BudgetTracker Information [Site Maintenance]
Viewer Access
We've added a new permission to sub-accounts title "Viewer". This account will have read-only access to all sub-accounts and the master account but does not have an account of their own to enter data in.
09/25/2015 11:40:56
Sub-Account Permissions
We've added the ability to set permissions on sub-accounts so that have the ability to either log into other sub-accounts under your master or account or can log into the master account as well. "Sub-Admin" means sub-accounts have access to all other sub-accounts but not the master. "Admin" means they can log into any sub-account as well as the master account.
09/10/2015 12:24:13
BudgetTracker Education
We've launched our Education site to give schools a way to help students learn about finances. While we think we have a good idea how it will help, we'd like to grow the tool based on teachers feedback. If you are a teacher or would like to have your kids school try it out, visit

This covers all the features you see in BudgetTracker with the addition for schools to enter in their classes, homework assignments, tests, and other aspects for keep track of daily school activities.
08/14/2015 11:39:11
Transaction Forecast - What If...
We've added the ability to see what your transaction forecast would look like if you changed one of the projected amount without actually saving the entered value. To access, click a projected amount on the forecast page and change the amount to your new value and hit enter. This will then adjust your running balance accordingly. If you are changing a transfer amount, both the from and to transactions will get updated.
07/30/2015 11:08:55
New BudgetTracker Theme
We've added a new theme that we're calling "Flat". This theme provides more white space and larger fonts. You can try it out by changing your theme on the left side of the page under Quick Settings.
07/29/2015 20:37:27
Checks Update
We've added a new setting that will let you define if you write checks or not. If you change this to no, we will default all new transactions to cleared. All new users will have this set to no by default. To update, click the settings link in the upper right corner and look for Write Checks.
06/24/2015 12:44:07
Downloading Budget
We've added a new link to the My Budget page in the upper right corner to allow you to export your budget data to an excel spreadsheet.
06/03/2015 10:34:37
New Application Previews
We've updated the APPS section so that when you are creating a new application, you can now click the Preview Application button to see what your form will look like before you submit the app.
05/28/2015 00:38:55
Exchange Rates
We've made some exchange rate updates. Now when viewing the My Transaction page, any accounts that have a custom exchange rate will get calculated into the total balance which is your default currency.
05/01/2015 10:04:37
Changing Bills and Income cycle date
We've added the ability to now change your bill or income cycle while keeping your existing paid bills or income. To access, when editing a bill or income, if the date is from the previous month or earlier, you'll see a "New Cycle Date" checkbox. This will define when your new cycle date will start. Then enter the end date of your existing cycle and a new bill or income with all the same ties will be created as your new cycle.
04/14/2015 19:57:33

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