Main > BudgetTracker Information [Site Maintenance]
Deleting Bills and Income
When deleting your bills or income, we will now also delete any transactions that were tied to them. To not delete the transactions, click the payment number in forecast to view all payments made, then click on the "paid" links and click "mark unpaid" to break the tie from the bill or income.
04/09/2015 17:23:42
Bill/Income Due Date Recording
Bills and Income items will now allow you to set whether your payments get recorded by default on the day you enter them or the payment date due. You can update this by going to My Bills and looking at your settings at the bottom.
04/05/2015 08:33:06
Re:Site Maintenance
Changing the category on the Payees page will now ask you if you want to override existing categories for all transactions with this payee name or not.
03/30/2015 11:46:01
Re:Site Maintenance
We've added a quick way for you to move links in and out of the Move... folder on the left navigation. You should now see a link in the Quick Settings module titled "Move current page under More...".
03/20/2015 10:11:01
Minimal Design
We've added a new option to the site that reduces a lot of the viewable links and options on the site to give you a simpler look and feel called "Minimal". You'll now see this option in the upper right corner of each page to switch to a Minimal settings. You'll then see your side links get moved and categorized under the main top links.
03/04/2015 11:55:24
My Bills Over-Pay
We've added a new option when over paying your bill that will allow you to carry over the over paid amount to your next bill. This will in turn reduce the amount of your next bill due by the amount you've over paid.
02/14/2015 02:29:39
I Owe You Updates
We've updated the I Owe You page to now allow you to enter in an expected payment date and tie it to the account you will paying from or receiving money. In addition, if you tie your i owe you to an account and date, we'll automatically add it to your transaction forecast.
02/13/2015 12:15:34
Bill Payment Date
At the bottom of the My Bills page, if you set your settings to show payment dates and change the payment date, it will now get updated in your transaction forecast instead of the bill due date.
02/10/2015 17:03:09
Running Totals Update
When viewing your bank statement, usually you'll see a running total insead of your running balance. To emulate this on BudgetTracker, we've now added this option under Settings by setting your running balance to Totals Only. Additionally we've added the ability to hide categories on the My Transactions by selecting the category filter at the top of the My Transactions page and choosing Hide Categories.
01/31/2015 11:02:07
Cash Advance
We've added in a cash advance interest option when adding or updating a credit card on My Accounts. Additionally, when you are creating or editing a transaction, you can now choose a type of Cash Advance so you can see which transactions were tied to a higher interest rate.
01/27/2015 08:09:10

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