We've added an "Active Only" checkbox to the top right of the Bills List page. This will allow you to filter out any bills that have an end date before the current date.
You can now click on the balance in My Account to quickly change your current balance. Updating this amount will automatically adjust your opening balance so that your current balance is what you enter in.
We've updated the My Transactions page to now give you the first 15 transactions quickly while we fetch the rest of your transactions to improve performance and give you faster load times when viewing your transactions.
We've added a new link to the My Budget page that will now allow you to see what your budget will look like if you change the amount of your budget sub-category without actually saving it in our system. To use, click the "What If..." link at the top right of the page.
We've updated the My Transactions page so that if you have a transaction for a certain month that is assigned to a different month in your budget, it will show up in the description of the transaction. This usually happens when you record a bill for a future or past month but enter the transaction as the current month. This should make it easier to determine why an expense or income may not be showing up in your budget.
FormBuilder - We've created a new application for our business users that will allow you to design and create forms on the website, then view and sign them on your iPad. In addition, when you add employees to your account, the forms they have signed will be available to view right from the BudgetTracker application. To get started, click the Business tab and choose FormBuilder.
You now have the ability to filter your forecast by bill or income name. You'll now see a new dropdown at the top of the forecast allowing you to choose a bill or income on the My Bills or My Income page.
You can exclude transfers on the Income Statement page by clicking on the Include/Do Not Include Transfers drop down at the top of the page. This will help remove items that should not be considered as part of your income or expenses.