Thank you for fixing that so quickly. But now I am not able to see any future months in my calendar. I get a blank space when I click next after October.
10/15/2015 23:20:06
Re:Allocating money for future bills
Thank you for the feedback. This should now show the correct forecast amount on your calendar
10/13/2015 09:31:26
Re:Allocating money for future bills
Good evening:
When I split a budget item to reflect in the forecast it appears with an amount of 0 in the forecast Calendar.
It is working fine in the forecast list.
Is this expected?
10/12/2015 22:03:52
Re:Allocating money for future bills
This is now available. When you setup a budget forecast that is more than 1 month recurrence, we'll first divide the amount by the number of months. If you are half way through the time, you'll see a previous allocated budget transaction to show how much you should have in your account at the time viewing the forecast.
01/30/2014 00:39:10
Re:Allocating money for future bills
Thanks for the speedy response. This feature would be really helpful, because it would give a real time impact of "if I spend this allocate money on something else, what will the impact be?" Which help me with my impulsive spending (i hope), which is part of the whole reason I'm doing budgets in the first place.
Thanks again
01/22/2014 17:24:45
Re:Allocating money for future bills
When you create a budget item, you can choose to add a split version of it to your forecast which should give you the ability to see how much you'll need each month but it doesn't show how much you've already saved towards that budget. We'll look into adding this as a feature.
01/20/2014 21:56:03
Allocating money for future bills
What is the best way to allocate money each month to future bills? For example if I have an annual tax that I must save $3600 to pay, I would like to be able to allocate say $300 each month for this bill. I would also like to be able to know what the current running balance I have allocated for this bill is.