We're still not seeing an issue with your Forecast. Again, what type of browser are you using?
05/31/2016 15:28:10
Re:Deductions are adding to my balance
My forecast page is not showing up????? Help ASAP.
05/31/2016 15:09:00
Re:Deductions are adding to my balance
Is this something you are still seeing? When we go to your transaction forecast it's showing up. Also what type of browser are you using?
03/30/2016 15:09:27
Re:Deductions are adding to my balance
Now when I try to go to my forecast page it comes up blank.....
03/30/2016 14:43:41
Re:Deductions are adding to my balance
I finally just deleted that entire account and started over. Everything was working fine and now I go to forecast and it is absolutely blank, no filters , date range or anything?
03/20/2016 16:29:34
Re:Deductions are adding to my balance
Are you referring to the Total Balance or the sorting by amount column. When we look at your account it seems correct. Please email us at support@budgettracker.com with some amount details about what you are seeing and what you feel it should be.
03/19/2016 15:42:01
Re:Deductions are adding to my balance
It's still not working right. Doing the same thing.
03/19/2016 15:18:47
Re:Deductions are adding to my balance
As far as grouping by payee, it appears the amounts for your payees are similar so it's sorting by amount from largest deposits to lowest withdrawal but appearing like it's grouped by payee. The complete total and balance should show up correctly for you now. There was a bug in future transactions in your filtered list not getting added.
03/19/2016 01:56:48
Re:Deductions are adding to my balance
When I click on the date and the arrow points up. It puts the transactions in order, with todays date at the top of the list and says I have (21,074.82). When I click the amount like you said in the other reply, It makes the purchases show as (XXX) and deposits show correctly but it sorts them in the payee list for the 30 day period in groups. Like March 2, 15 and Feb 17 my paycheck are all three in a row. Then the sub total looks right but the total current balance still shows some neg $21,000 and some.