It depends if you want to continue to save each month for your yearly payment or if you just want it to come out of your budget on the month it's due. By default it will only appear in your budget on the month due. If you want to save each month, then yes you'll need to carry over the amount each month. The alternative is to schedule it yearly so it only shows up in your budget that 1 month but select the option to show it monthly in your forecast so you see what your balance will be each month with that amount taken out.
10/25/2016 23:43:16
Annual Bills and Budgeting
How should I budget bills that occur only once a year, such as yearly memberships, should those even be tied to my budget? Should I divide the annual bill into 12 monthly payments and then set it to carry-over, then when I pay it once for the year I will meet the entire budget for the bill? I think there must be a better way.