Main > Feedback [Implications of what I'm doing....]
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Re:Implications of what I'm doing....
Thank you for the feedback. As far as your IRA, it looks like the budget item is setup to handle Income/Deposits, but the transaction that was entered against that category is a withdrawal of $50 which is causing your budget to be negative. To view the transactions entered for any given budget, click on the spent/deposited amount column.
04/22/2010 00:26:06
Implications of what I'm doing....
Sometimes I've wanted to change transactions (because it's not tied to my budget right or something) and when I do, other changes that I wasn't anticipating happen in other places. It'd be nice if there was a pop-up that let me know what other changes would be happening to categories, other accounts etc.
I really like the site, but I don't completely understand how everything works. I've done tutorials and I try to learn all I can about a program I'm using because I like to be efficient. Unfortunately, it's been very difficult with budgettracker to know completely what I'm doing all the time.
For example, I set up a budget category for my IRA. When I put in a transaction to show that I paid $50 into it, It shows on my budget as (-$50) and that I have $100 left to spend in that category instead of $0. I want to work with it to make it show as a withdrawal instead of a deposit, but it's tied to my IRA account, and I'm worried that if I mess with it, it may change my transactions for the IRA account so it won't be accurate anymore.