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Main > Bugs [Mileage page is wiped out]
Re:Mileage page is wiped out
Please email us the name of the payee and details of the transaction and we can revert all transaction categories with that payee. Are you seeing that only transactions with a specific payee changed?
06/22/2013 23:30:41
Re:Mileage page is wiped out
This happened AGAIN.
Now I have about 200 maybe more orphan transactions.
I changed category for one (with 'Apply to this transaction only' option) and now I have 50 in Auto->Gasoline.
Please restore from backup. I'm SO tired to do that by myself. Do you have a backup?
06/22/2013 20:16:09
Re:Mileage page is wiped out
Thank you very much!
05/12/2013 16:39:58
Re:Mileage page is wiped out
This issue has now been resolved. We've went ahead and issued a credit for a couple months of service for the inconvenience.
05/12/2013 14:04:33
Re:Mileage page is wiped out
We apologize for the inconvenience. We are looking into the issue.
05/12/2013 13:09:51
Re:Mileage page is wiped out
I really love Budget Tracker, otherwise I would give up when had to categorize again 100 transactions for 2nd time due a bug.
A fee subscription say for month would be very appreciated :)
05/12/2013 02:01:30
Re:Mileage page is wiped out
After a category being deleted (the bug still presents: managing categories by sub-account has deleted them), settings it back updates all uncategorized transactions
05/12/2013 01:29:44
Re:Mileage page is wiped out
Thank you for the feedback. This has been updated. Copying your sub-categories to sub user account should not affect your main account. If you see this happening, please let us know.
05/05/2013 11:34:04
Re:Mileage page is wiped out
Yes, Payee still the same. And yes, My Transactions page.
Can you please enhance this radio-list to opt out from bulk transactions updating (preferably by default), i.e. update them all manually?
My main question still was had happened? Last operation I made was copying categories to a sub-account and working with them there? Why does this affect main account?
05/05/2013 04:42:59
Re:Mileage page is wiped out
Were the payee names the same when you updated the categories? The it works is if you select "Categories not set yet" all transactions that have the same payee name without a category will get updated with the new category you choose. If you select "All transactions for this payee" then all categories will get updated where the payee is the same as the one you are making an update to.
Also, please confirm you are making the update by selecting the category name from the My Transactions page.
05/05/2013 00:14:21

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