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Main > Bugs [checks not deducting]
Re:checks not deducting
Ok, we're still trying to reproduce this. By chance when you enter in a withdrawal, are you entering it with a negative sign like "-100.00" ?
11/29/2017 12:15:38
Re:checks not deducting
I did enter them as deposits because then it will deduct the amount and when I enter a deposit and list it as a withdrawl it will add the amount in. I went back and entered everything backward so it would balance but not sure what I should be doing different. I enter on the side bar. When I first entered the checks it kept adding the check amount to the balance instead of deducting it?
11/29/2017 00:24:31
Re:checks not deducting
It looks like you are entering them as deposits instead of withdrawals. To fix the problem, you can edit the transactions and change the type to withdrawal/charge instead.
To make sure there isn't an issue with transaction entries, how did you enter the transactions into our system?
Some options are:
New Transaction side bar
New Transaction page
Through mobile site
11/28/2017 11:40:31
checks not deducting
when I enter my check transactions they are adding to the balance not deducting? I only have one account at the moment.
11/27/2017 22:45:31

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