Main > BudgetTracker Information [Site Maintenance]
Hiding Paid Bills
You now have the option to hide bills that have been marked as paid. At the bottom of the My Bills page in settings, you'll see an option to hide your paid bills.
02/24/2016 13:20:26
Forecasted Net Worth
The Transaction Forecast page will now show you a projected forecast of your Net Worth. If you select "All Accounts" at the top, your forecasted net worth will now appear at the bottom of the page.
02/24/2016 12:58:09
Reminders Module Update
We've updated the reminders module on the left side of the page to include the bill or income amount if set. Additionally, the amount will be a link that will take you directly to recording a payment for that bill or income.
02/20/2016 11:00:03
My Bills Forecast Update
We've update the My Bills page to now show a forecast link when you hover over a bill if it has a credit card transfer option or total due. Then on the Forecast page, you'll now see a "what if..." at the top right of the page. This will allow you to see what your payoff date will be if your next payment amount is different that what is scheduled.
02/14/2016 16:11:14
New Payment Provider
Due to a recent change in our payment provider, we will be asking users to resubscribe with your credit card. In order to make up for any partially paid payments, you will automatically get 30 days free. If you are on the yearly subscription plan, your subscription will just expire at the end of the year and you can then sign back up.
02/04/2016 23:38:36
New Mobile Website in Beta
New BudgetTracker Mobile Site!
We are happy to announce the beta release of our new mobile website for everyone to try out. The new site is taking a responsive mobile first approach. This means you can either use the site on your mobile phone or your desktop browser. We will continue to move over features from the regular site to our new mobile site yet keep it's simplicity and ease of use in mind. We recognize the need for a simpler budgeting site so we encourage users who feel the existing site has too much information to try our new site. You can try it by going to

Please feel free to send us feedback by clicking More>Feedback on the left navigation panel.
01/25/2016 11:56:00
Mobile Transactions
You now have the ability to update your transactions from the mobile website
12/14/2015 09:58:39
Search by Tag
If you've enabled tags on the Settings page, you'll now see an option under My Transaction to filter by tag name when choose more options in the filter menu.
11/22/2015 20:43:12
Weekly and Twice a Month budgeting
We've updated the My Budget page so that you can now select Weekly or Twice a Month from the Monthly dropdown instead of assigning a budget to be either weekly or monthly. When you set your date range to weekly, we'll take your monthly budget amount and divide it by the number of days in the month and multiply that by 7 to give you a weekly average budget for the week. For twice a month, we'll take the 1st through the 14th for the first budget range, and then the 15 until the end of the month for the second range and divide the budget by 2.
11/08/2015 10:41:57
Facebook Login
We've added the ability to now be able to login to BudgetTracker with your Facebook account. If you have an existing BudgetTracker account, go to My Profile and click the sign in with Facebook button to tie it to your account.
10/21/2015 01:15:24

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