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Re:Paycheck Entries
Thank you, please send your screenshots to
We are investigating the issue.
02/07/2017 15:24:11
Re:Paycheck Entries
If you have a way to accept screen shots, I can show you what I am seeing. I did a mouse over on the S (split) and all the transactions are green, when some should be red.
02/07/2017 11:24:38
Re:Paycheck Entries
I should clarify, the NET total is upon creating the income entry, not recording.
02/07/2017 11:14:39
Re:Paycheck Entries
I am using my income. But when I put in the gross number, the expense categories (federal, state, insurance, etc.) costs don't seem to be coming off the net number. I'm not sure what I am doing wrong.
02/07/2017 11:07:13
Re:Paycheck Entries
Are you entering the split transaction from the My Transactions page? If you've set them up on the My Income page, you'll want to record them from My Income so we can pre-fill the split entry for you. If you're creating a split from My Transactions, no symbol is needed. We'll look if it's a deposit and count each split item as a deposit so if you need one of the split items to act as an expense, then yes you would make it negative. The same applies for expense splits where each split amount is an expense and if you want one of them to act as a deposit you would make it negative. This would usually only occur in a paycheck where your income is your gross and your taxes would be negative amounts to add up to your net if you want to track them like that.
02/06/2017 23:50:01
Re:Paycheck Entries

I'm not following how these split entries should be made. Should I be using (-) and (+) signs for income and expense transactions? What about transfers?

My net totals aren't adding up correctly.
02/06/2017 23:28:21
Re:Paycheck Entries
If the amounts go directly from your company to your other accounts, then you'd choose the Split option and then be sure to check the Deposit to Account checkbox. This will divide up your check as you are registering it. You can then assign categories to the expenses for tracking purposes.

If however the money first goes straight into your checking account and then you auto transfer it to another account, then you'll want the Split & Transfer option on the My Income page so it will first create a transaction for all the money in your main account, then record a transfer transaction from that account to your savings.

If either of these options don't appear to work right, please let us know the issue you came across so we can investigate it.
01/24/2017 07:52:30
Paycheck Entries
Hello (again),

I have a paycheck entry that has expenses (taxes, insurance, fees, etc). But I also transfer part of my pay to other accounts (401k, savings, loans, etc.) So the NET after all those would go into my default checking account. How should I do this because it seem like the INCOME category only support expenses, but not transfers very well.

Make sense?
01/22/2017 22:29:43

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