Credit Card I use my credit card to pay most of my utilities and would like for them to be subtracted from the credit card budget and not the cash balance.
04/20/2006 11:56:50
Calculator How about fixing the caculator so that the numerical pad on the key board can work with it when it has focus. Thanks
More info on income Could someone explain a little more on what to do when you get paid on the 1st and 15th? Thats how I get paid but the amount almost is never the same. how do I set this up. BTW this is my 2nd visit to the site so I'm still learning.
04/06/2006 12:49:42
Automatic debits How do i list it when some of my bills are paid through automatic debits.
Pencil in MY TRANSACTIONS tab missing The pencil for editing a transaction on My Transactions is missing. I can not change a bill once it is entered. They used to show up on each record next to the checkbox.
04/03/2006 09:56:03
Save as Start Page option doesn't display properly No matter which tab I select to save as start page (link on far right), it displays with a white background and default font without any of the tabs or side-panes.
Is there a way to clear the start page so after I login it gives me the default page?
03/31/2006 12:34:49
I cannot purchase a subscription Hello, I really enjoy using your site and I wish to purchase a year's subscription so that I can get even more out of it. I need to create more sub-categories and such, but your online payment site will not accept my American Express Card.
Is there anyway you all can fix this so that I can start using your site more.
Anything you can do to remedy this will be much appreciated.