Main > Ideas and Innovations
Make filter by keywork act as LIKE not EQUALS
Please make transaction filter by keyword (description) act as LIKE (or CONTAINS) instead of STRICTLY EQUALS.
3 1028 06/27/2013 01:04:56
Budget categories
Is there a way to set a budget to a category and have multiple sub-categories attached to it?

For example - have a category "car" with 500$ a month. This category will have few sub categories such as: repairs, insurance, registrations.
All pay going to these sub categories will be grouped under the "car" budget.
4 1424 06/25/2013 16:48:42
Prohibit auto-fill for Last 4 Digits field
Doesn't it make sense to prohibit auto-fill for such a security important information as account last 4 digits?
1 992 06/22/2013 10:17:59
New Transaction shortcut
Doesn't it make sense to change shortcut button url on New Transaction panel (under the main menu to the left) from All Transactions (transactionsall.php) to New Transaction (newtransaction.php)?
2 1051 05/30/2013 17:30:56
Add multiple transactions is missing description box and payee dropdown
It would be handy to have description textbox on the Add multiple transactions too.
And make Payee field a dropdown as usually.
2 991 05/26/2013 21:45:05
Extended fuel logging / gas mileaged
If you could extend current gas mileage page by adding more fields - such as station name, its location; more calculated fields - mileage before refuel; and charts - average price, average mpg; etc., it would make from it a useful and powerful application!
1 959 05/26/2013 18:52:55
Hide accounts having no transactions under current filer
It would enhance the ergonomics imo if transaction list would not show accounts that have no transactions under the filer chosen.
Currently you have to scroll them down instead.
2 1113 05/14/2013 16:13:42
Make Add transaction page Description field one-line
It would be handy to add a user preference to make new transaction field description field whether or not one or multiple line.
Being one-line it can share the same set of auto-complete data as quick add on the main page.
2 951 05/12/2013 16:38:58
Allow special characters in password
Please allow special characters in password such as ! or =
2 929 05/12/2013 16:37:41
Add Transaction redirect to change filter
It would be useful if after adding a transaction and being redirected to transaction list page it also update transaction filter to set account accordingly.
Currently if account A was set and a transaction to account B was added, redirect will open transactions for account A, not B.
2 938 05/12/2013 16:32:56

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