Transactions filter: Amount If choose More Options -> All Amounts than field for amount will be visible by default. Looks like it should be visible only when "Greater/Lesser Than" are selected.
Charts page doesn't show detalization by category I clicked Main Page -> Expense chart -> Food. Food sub-categories appeared (Groceries, etc.) I clicked Groceries. "No data to display" and bread crumbs lists "All Categories >Bills > >Starnet" instead of "Food > Groceries". Also note excess/double "> >".
Add Transaction page calendar ignores time zone Calendar on the Add Transaction page ignores user's settings for time zone I'm in Pacific -8 but next day comes earlier than should. Maybe daylight saving causes this?
06/02/2013 15:19:07
Budget Carryover amount not showing Hi, When I look in the May 2013 budget catergories, a lot of the amounts that should carry over to June 2013 budget don't. Carryover is selected for the budgeted catergories and it hasn't seem to do so.