Main > Bugs
My Income/Budget showing Carryover incorrectly
Under My Income, I have a One Time Income set for January, February, and March. Each has checkbox for Dynamically Set Budget marked. When I look at My Budget for January, the amount from February is showing up in Carryover for January when it should be zero. When I look at February, it shows incorrect carryover as well, March is incorrect carryover too.
2 547 06/01/2013 14:56:35
Account duplication in sub-account
In my sub-account one of the account was duplicated in Payee dropdown on Add Transaction page. However on My Account page it's all fine,
4 566 05/25/2013 23:57:02
Copy Transaction doesn't copy Transfer Funds
Clicking the Copy link near a transaction in list on My Transactions page creates only 1 transaction not 2 even the original transaction was a result of Transfer Funds.
An option would be useful: copy both or copy only selected.
3 598 05/22/2013 00:39:10
Payee default category
Looks like using the Payees/Merchants page you can set default category for a payee. But it doesn't work, at least as I expect, - choosing a payee from the dropdown on the Add Transaction page sets category to a random(?) one.

Also setting category first then choosing payee unchoose the previous selection.
2 600 05/21/2013 13:30:15
Expense Chart on Overview ignores Show on Graph preference
I set Show on Graph for all sub-categories in given category (say MIsc. - for account transfers) to false but pie chart on the Overview pages till lists this category.
Generally speaking, I'd like all sub-subcategories of type 'Transfer' to be omitted from Expense Chart by _default_. Currently it takes almost a half of the pie chart making no sense to me.
16 1652 05/14/2013 23:16:58
More...doesn't expand in IE 10
In IE 10 (under Windows 7) menu Finance -> More... doesn't expand (sometimes it does but usually does not). Font just becomes white and that's it.
2 621 05/14/2013 00:03:03
Pay bill by existing transaction date picker
Looks like date picker on Pay bill by existing transaction doesn't use inclusive date range, i.e. setting upper boundary to May, 1 doesn't include transactions for May, 1. Setting to May, 2 does.
1 550 05/13/2013 00:25:07
Update General Category doesn't redirect back
Update a General Category from My Categories redirects to the main page instead of My Categories back.
1 575 05/12/2013 13:09:05
Income List relict
Hey Team,

Just noticed that an income item (Yukon Gov't) which had an end date set in April is still appearing in the popup bubble for preset incomes in my May budget. The total income sum (they're all auto-update budget items) shows the correct amount (so it's not being counted) but it IS showing up in that popup.

4 517 05/08/2013 17:24:56
Income auto-recorded transaction can't be overridden
I have an auto-recorded transaction (id 7597456) based on My Income (id 170291).
I'm trying to override it's value on My Income page clicking on the Amount column. Sign 'O' appears but value is changed.
If update amount by clicking on Recorded column, it's changed.
1 586 05/06/2013 23:33:31

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