Main > Bugs
Sub-account is missing the Cash account
My wife's sub-account has no cash account however in settings it's set to be shown.
2 456 05/06/2013 01:20:00
Auto transfers not recording
I have a transfer from one account to another that happens fortnightly so I set this up as a bill selecting the transfer option and also set it to auto.

It is not recording automatically the transfer was dated for yesterday and the accounts have not changed.

It is showing in the bills tab on the overview page with the word "paid" in blue but when I click that and update the tran
5 518 05/03/2013 19:45:40
Expense chart
Not all my transactions are being added to the expense chart.
I entered in 1 yesterday and under the drop down box chose "Expense report" under additional options but it is not being added to the monthly report that shows on the overview page. while 2 other transactions that I chose the the same option for are

they are all withdrawls
2 509 05/03/2013 11:58:08
Income auto-recorded transaction appears without category assigned
A new transaction created automatically based on income auto-record appears without category assigned ('None' shown instead).
2 537 05/02/2013 23:08:50
Find Existing Transaction to pay bill is broken due user date-time format
Date-time picker on Bills -> Record -> Pay with existing Transaction is broken: format displayed (user) is different to format used (default, en-us) so no search results yielded.
1 468 05/01/2013 15:59:28
Update transaction from Mileage page ignores Gasoline value
Update transaction link from mileage page ignores that transaction was mileage-bound and gasoline value was set what leads to its value nullification on update.
1 595 04/28/2013 14:44:09
Auto Record Transaction Problem
The transaction items (bills) I have set for auto record are not recording automatically this week. They state DUE TODAY on the date due and then OVERDUE until I record them manually. Thank you for your help!
1 508 04/26/2013 22:57:53
App won't sync with online
The information I enter into the mobile app will not sync with my online profile. Basically, my app and online site arent matching up!!

1 508 04/05/2013 20:20:24
Link from Payee List - Summary is incorrect
If in Payee dropdown choose Update Payees and then switch to Summary page mode and click on any item, it's supposed to list all transactions under this particular payee. But lists just all transaction instead.

P.S. Some of the payees are listed as 0/0/0/0 but clicking on it lists some of the really existed transactions. All such payees are auto-created entries caused by funds transfer (i.e.
2 563 03/31/2013 13:29:19
Bug in Forecast with Budgets

I think there is a bug in the Forecasting. My Joint Checking forecast looks all wrong, showing a positive number when I've gone over budget, and not showing a budget for April (but showing for May)

1 564 03/29/2013 21:59:52

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