Expense Report Since all "withdrawals" are an expense is it possible to post it automatically to the expense. "other options" could be left in the bottom left corner of the screen, but should be highlighted in red lettering.
It sure won't hurt to make editing a transaction that has already been entered a little easier.
Can you add memo fields for each line in a split Bill transaction? Its not until you try to enter the bill do you get the option to add a memo to each split line. It would be good to just have this be baked into the bill itself.
Would it be possible to add a “Today” option in every instance of the calendar pop-up block? I like to recently added feature where new transactions remember the last used date. I think it would be helpful if the calendar widget has an option to bringing you back to today’s date quickly. I remember MS Money has this feature.
Thanks MMS
12/31/2017 20:22:12
Tracking physical assets Is there an account type that I am missing to track things like houses, cars, jewelry, etc? Also looking to tie a liability to those assets for tracking purposes.
12/17/2017 00:01:14
Snowball Calculation Request a tab that will take all off the credit cards and loans, allow the user to input a monthly amount that you will pay towards all of them and show a breakdown of when they will be payed off. Allow an option of either snowball, highest interest first, or rank of preference. The amortization schedule does not work for me and it would only do one loan at a time if it did.
12/07/2017 10:54:24
Balance Account Link Can we add a "Balance Account" Link in the transactions view to the *top right*? Right now it sits on the bottom left of the transactions list and for an account with a large amount of transactions is a bear to scroll all the way to the bottom to balance.
Is it possible that when coming from the transactions screen, and you hit "New Transaction" that the default account for that page shows the account that you were coming from? Hope that makes sense.
07/18/2017 00:01:21
Navigation Hello Is there a way that when navigating transactions, that you can create a hyperlink to other accounts? I find that too many clicks are needed to jump from one account to another (or I have too many accounts, which could be the case!). But anywhere there is an account reference, give us the option to take us to that account. And I am referring to taking you to the list of transactions for t
05/18/2017 23:54:54
Date of last balance Now that my balance works, I'd like to reccomend that we update the balance tool to capture a date. So the balance should happen according to the ending date on the statement. Once we capture that, we should display the date under account properties or when we show transactions for a particular account. This way its easy to see what account have been balanced and as of when.
03/21/2017 10:05:04
"pay on bills due date instead" feature For recurring transfer bills, please consider adding the "pay on bills due date instead" feature as you do with regular withdraw/expense bills.