Most everyone wishes they managed money better than they do. It might be fair to say a healthy percentage of the population never had formal training from their parents in exactly what to do with money beyond opening a checking account down at the local bank. How to save, how to invest, and how to […]
Electricity and water are two things one can’t live without. However, in recent years more and more individuals have noticed the upward tick of utility costs per household. Here are four ways to lower your utility bills this year. Tip #1: Turn off the Air Conditioning when no one is home. The constant run of cold […]
Cruises, backpacking across Europe, or relaxing on a remote island in the Caribbean is what we all dream of during the summer. However, for most of us, saving for the ultimate trip rarely makes it into the budget until the last minute. Here’s how to afford an amazing vacation before fall begins. Pay for Living […]
We all want to dress nice. Why? Reasons of self-respect of course…or to impress our friends and secretly outdo everyone else. Either way, how can you look great without breaking the bank? According to Thomas Stanley, author of the book “The Millionaire Next Door”, the average millionaire spends no more than $20 on a pair […]