Managing your credit card correctly can help you save cash, and even elevate your financial status. One of the most important entities that can help you to accomplish these tasks is you credit card issuer. If you experience any problems in managing your credit card account, you should never hesitate to ask questions and to […]
Shopping Online: How to Capture Great Discounts The holiday season is rolling around once again, and shoppers are looking for ways to capture the best deals for their families. With the growing availability of numerous online stores, consumers now have a wide variety of choices to make their shopping selections — all without leaving the […]
Great Investing Apps For Building Wealth The world of digital finance is growing rapidly, and it is up to households and consumers to identify the best ways of using this new technology to build wealth over time. The first step in using the world of digital technology to help monitor and grow assets is through […]
Personal Finance in Practice: Costs and Benefits Incentives In personal finance, the theories of cost and benefit analysis help to inform the foundations of proper budget planning. These concepts might seem difficult to grasp and understand on the face of it. But the reality is that most of us already have a strong intuitive understanding […]
Electricity and water are two things one can’t live without. However, in recent years more and more individuals have noticed the upward tick of utility costs per household. Here are four ways to lower your utility bills this year. Tip #1: Turn off the Air Conditioning when no one is home. The constant run of cold […]
Cruises, backpacking across Europe, or relaxing on a remote island in the Caribbean is what we all dream of during the summer. However, for most of us, saving for the ultimate trip rarely makes it into the budget until the last minute. Here’s how to afford an amazing vacation before fall begins. Pay for Living […]
When we talk about saving for an emergency fund we talk about losing a job—this is the ultimate emergency. The loss of a job means the loss of so much more than a paycheck. It is the loss of healthcare, the loss of retirement benefits and the loss of morale. You need an emergency fund […]
We all want to dress nice. Why? Reasons of self-respect of course…or to impress our friends and secretly outdo everyone else. Either way, how can you look great without breaking the bank? According to Thomas Stanley, author of the book “The Millionaire Next Door”, the average millionaire spends no more than $20 on a pair […]